Sunday, December 16, 2007

WABE news stories

I lived in Atlanta for a long time, and some of my family is still there, so I like to keep up on the local news. These stories from WABE are short and give a nice look at local issues. Most don't have any introduction, so it can be a bit disconcerting to be thrown into the middle of a story, but that's a small thing.

This feed has had long silent periods, but it's been pretty regular since the spring.

tip: skipping a podcast with an iPod

No matter how much I like the podcasts I listen to there are occasionally episodes that don't interest me. I tend to oversubscribe, so I don't want to spend time listening to something uninteresting when there's something better waiting.

If I just skip to the next podcast then the current one isn't marked as played and it isn't deleted by iTunes when I sync.

If, instead, I click and wheel to the end, then it is marked completed and iTunes will delete it.

Future Tense

The way I listen to podcasts, all other things being equal, shorter is better.

Future Tense, from American Public Media, or American Public Radio, or Public Radio International, or Minnesota Public Radio, or whatever they are calling themselves these days, is a short podcast of tech news.

The podcast is professionally produced and is usually under five minutes.


I spend a lot of time driving for work. I started listening to podcasts about two years ago as an alternative to radio. Sometimes I listen to audio books, but mostly I listen to hours of podcasts every week.

There are a lot of podcasts directories out there, but most are huge unwieldly unfiltered things. There are ratings and user reviews in the iTunes store, but it's still a time-consuming process to dig through all that.

What I plan to do here is write small reviews of the podcasts I listen to. Over the years I have added and dropped a lot of them. I may also include audio books. I hope this helps others like me that want a little help digging through this huge pile.

Why Highway 51? I bought the domain a long time ago and haven't done anything with it.